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Benefits of having a patient lift and sling in your home


Benefits of having a patient lift and sling in your home

It's important to use good technique to perform safe lifting and aviod injury. According to the 

Occupational Safety & Health Administration, lower back injuries are the most common work

related injury. Safe lifting helps to protect the back while keeping the client and caregiver free

of injury. Whether you are working in community care, hospitals, nursing homes or home care

environments, there are challengs that arise when transferring patients in and out of beds, chairs

toilets and showers. Joints and muscles are at high risk of strains causing pain, discomfort and

potential damage, backs and shoulders are at high risk, it is important to lift patients in a way

that the patient and caregiver are both safe and comfortable.

Lifting aids and hoist are designed for every-day use to assist lifting, moving and transferring 

patients. Lifting aids and hoists are fantastic tools to reduce risk, reduce time and reduce effort

for both caregiver and patient when moving beteen seats, toilets and showers.

Countless family caregivers stuggle to reposition and transfer seniors with very limited mobility.

Falls, back injuries and chronic pain commonly result from manually turning and lifting seniors.

Patient lift assist devices can help make transfers much safer and easier for everyone.

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