Could you please say sth about the details of transfer sling?
Transfer sling is one of the recent advanced product of our company. On the basis of the original technology, we introduced new technology to it. Both its design and performance have been improved to a higher level. Compared to the original products, it's function is added. The most important thing is that this kind of product can provide you with a much better experience than that of the original version, which is also the best selling point in our sell promotion.
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Gongguan Chuangguo Daily Products Co.,Ltd. is known as the backbone of the transfer sling field. The standing slings series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. The product is highly resistant to color fading. It is treated with a special technique to enhance its capacity on color retention. The hand grips on either side offer convenient and comfortable grips for a good working position. By wearing this product, people can look stylish and feel comfortable while staying active either at work or at play. This product is ideal for transferring users from the bed to the wheelchair, shower chair or commode.
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