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How to Choose the Right Patient Sling?


Are you looking for a patient lift sling? There's a lot to consider, whether this is your first

sling or replacement. However, before making the purchase it's best to talk to your doctor 

to see what would  best suit you. And how to choose the right patient sling?

Patient lift slings are an essential part of a patient lift. Wrapping around a patient's body and securing a lifting device. lift

slings safety and gently support patients as they are transferred from one resting place to another. Generally suitable for

transfer from bed to chair, bed to wheelchair and wheelchair to commode.

Why do we need patient lift sling

Patient lift slings are to provide convenience for those with mobility impairment, disabilities, weak, and obese people. 

patient  lifts improve the care of patients as the caregiver significantly, by providing safety and in most cases, providing 

less pain during transfers.

A guide when purchasing a patient lift sling

Each patient is unique. It is also important to use the correct sling for the patient's comfort as well as the safety of the 


Universal sling- sling come in several shapes and sizes and are differently designed baded on the requirement 

of a patient. The universal slings are the most commonly supplied patient lift sling for general transfer purposes. They

feature various fabrics and style options, such as padded leg, body support, no -show straps. There are full-body, high/

low back, head support, and other types to meet many transfer needs.

Bathing & Toileting slings - The bathing & toileting slings are designed for users during bathing and toileting needs

with different construction and fabrics. It has a cut-out in the bottom and is designed for the transfer to a commode with the 

patient in a sitting position. The fabric used for this type ususlly meshes which can be washed and dried quickly. There are 

also some different styles as options.

Standing Slings - The Stand-Up Slings are used for sit-to-stand lifts. They are designed for partially dependent patients

but with head and neck control. It features a diffenrent construction than universal slings, providing support in different areas.

Many models are with a strap for added user safety.

Difference Between Polyester, Mesh, Padded

When choosing a sling, choosing the right fabric is an important consideration. Different materials are suitable for different peopele.

Factors such as patient's weight, stability will all paly a role in deciding on the correct fabric sling.

Polyester Mesh Fabric- These slings are suitable for bathing. This fabric can be draining and drying quickly after you use it.

Padded Polyester Fabric- Good for who have sensitive skin, durable polyester for cloth-like feel and high strength. Provide ultimate

comfort and skin protection. However, if you know there will be a high chance of the patient coming into contact with water - padded sling 

are not ideal for getting wet. And polyester mesh fabric would be your first choice.

If you're unsure of what slings will best suit you then feel free email to ephy@cg-healthcare.com.

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