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Some safety tips for home care


Some safety tips for home care

Home care is family-centered care, which is conducive to recovery of the patient 

and maintain their self-esteem. Like many hospitals care, home care must also ensure 

the safety care and avoid unnecessary accidents. As a senior or someone with mobility 

issues you face additional challenges to keep your home safe. Fortunately, there are a 

variety of home safety products aids, that can improve the safety of your home.


Everywhere in your home could be a potential risk. Remove all hazards throughout the house.

To prevent the elderly or people with mobility impairments from falling, we should avoid angular 

furniture, it is best to remove any unused or unnecessary furniture. To take into account their personal 

safety, do not walk at easily fall of the slope or uneven ground or slippery room. Clean up water and 

spills immediately. Ensure all floor mats are secured to the floor. 

Your front enter way (and all entryways in general) needs to be clear of any type of tripping hazards. 

Keep shoes on a rack, ensure all carpets and mats are properly secured on the floor, and 

ensure the area is well lit.

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