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Using the Leg Elevation Pillow To Improve Varicose Veins


Using the Leg Elevation Pillow to improve Varicose Veins


Varicose veins are swollen and enlarged veins that usually occur on the legs and feet. 

They may be blue or dark purple, and are often lumpy, bulging or twisted in appearance. 

Other symptoms include: aching, heavy and uncomfortable legs. swollen feet and ankles.



Simply set the cushion near the foot of the bed and sit or lay comfortably. The rising angle of 

the wedge should support your thighs while the angle at the top should rest under your knees. 

Your legs can then rest comfortably in an elevated position on top of the wedge.


It's best to elevate your legs above the level of your heart. Wedge-shaped pillows make this easier 

to do. You can also use pillows or folded blankets you have on hand to elevate your legs in bed to 

help circulation.

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