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Providing healthful living environment for bariatric patient


Providing healthful living environment for bariatric patient


When caring for bariatric patients, we must do everything we can to create a cozy atmosphere. 

Patients with severe obesity may even have difficulty in taking care of themselves, and high 

psychological pressure. They are very prone to inferiority complex and depression, and seriously 

affecting their mental health. Many bariatric patients, due to their size and difficulty with mobility, 

require assistance with numerous activities of daily living. The more mobility-dependent the patient is, 

the greater the risk for injury for those providing the care.


Here's how to change unhealthy behaviors and create a healthy environment.

The most important thing to eat less high-calorie foods, more fruits and vegetables. And processed foods 

include unnecessary ingredients like sugars, “unhealthy” fats, high sodium content and preservatives 

making them high energy, high calorie meals that pack on the pounds.


Moving and handling care of bariatric patients

Bariatric equipment covers any type of medical aid that has been specially designed to meet the unique 

needs of larger patients. ... Typically, bariatric equipment will have a heavier weight capacity, be made from 

stronger and more durable materials, and will be larger than standard medical aids. Moving and handling 

requirements, including ability to weight bear, transfer, movement in bed etc. • Equipment including bed, 

seating, hoist, commode etc.

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