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Stay safety at bathroom by using bathing slings


Stay safety at bathroom by using bathing slings


where is most dangerous place in your home? You may think about kitchen firstly. Actually, 

the bathroom is the most dangerous room in a home. Bathrooms can be a dangerous place 

for Young, middle aged, old, handicapped. The floors are slick, the surfaces are wet. According 

to the statistics, more than 80 percent of the injuries were caused by slips and falls. Most falls 

occur while people are transferring in and out of the tub or shower or while using the toilet. So, 

using bathing sling can effectively improve the slips.


The bathing sling is made of skin-friendly, slip-proof, mesh material that can be easily wiped dry. 

The Full body mesh sling offers total head, neck and thigh support along with an outside handle 

that allows the caregiver to reposition the patient in their wheelchair, chair, toilet or up in bed. ... 

mesh sling allows quick and easy access for toileting and personal hygiene cleaning.

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