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Some notes you have to know : any potential danger can hurt you


Some notes you have to know : any potential danger can hurt you

There are many potential dangers in your life. What you don't see can hurt you, sometimes

life is fragile and strong. And we'd like to share the potential dangers that may be involved

with you guys.

people might get hurt from texting and walking if they are not paying attention. Failing to be

observant while walking or driving can be life-threatening. Uncleanliness is the root of various


When a person was stuck by a fishbone or chicken bone on his throat, the first thing to do is go

to the hospital as fast as you can. Do not try to solve it in another way, such as drink vinegar, 

swallow food. And remember just don't eat anything.

Overeating - It is also an unhealthy lifestyle, the overindulgence of food and drinks clogs body

and mind. Theoretically, people ought to make "healthy choices" and avoid overeating. One 

reason that leads to overeating is that "diet". Once a person began to overeating, it will be a 

vicious cycle because they feel they have no control over their overeating.

If you require a patient lift sling for patient lift equipment in resident bedrooms, contacts us to 

find out more, our assistants will be happy to answer your queries. 

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