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Taking care of your loved one with lower limbs paralysis


Taking care of your loved one with lower limbs paralysis

Paralysis brings a heavy ideological burden to patients. Families should encourage patients to be 

optimistic and open-minded, establish confidence in overcoming the disease. Encourage your loved 

one to make progress and practice new skills, Even the smallest of accomplishments can help your 

loved one feel confident in their recovery.


If the elderly are paralyzed, it is relatively difficult in normal care. The patient cannot take care of themselves. 

Usually, you need to use some assistive device to care for your loved one. Here are some recommended tools 

to care for the elderly paralyzed:


Patient slide sheet

Patient slide sheets are an important item for caregivers. They are designed to be used in moving, transferring, 

and repositioning a patient without having to lift them from somewhere. There are two ‘layers’ that slide 

over each other easily. With the patient resting on the top ‘layer’, they can be easily moved as the sheet 

slides over itself.


Patient lift sling

Patient slings are designed to be used in conjunction with patient lifts. There are full-body slings that offer 

upper body and head support, slings with extra padding, and specialized slings for bathing and commode use. 

This is an assistive device that allows patients in hospitals and nursing homes and people receiving home health 

care to be transferred between a bed and a chair or other similar resting places, by the use of electrical or 

hydraulic lifts.

A slide sheet and patient sling are effective ways to transfer patients. It helps to avoid the risk of injury both

on behalf of the patient and the caregivers. Contact us to find out more.

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