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The benefits of patient transfer gait belt


The benefits of patient transfer gait belt

Transfer aids can provide help a lot for family caregivers while allowing an aging 

loved one to remain in the comfort of their own home for as long as possible. Aids 

can provide convenience, prevent them from falling down, and walking assistance with 

a senior’s every-day, affording family members peace of mind with the knowledge that 

their elder’s care needs are met.

Walking belts are perhaps the simplest form of mobility aid. The Walk Belt is a padded belt 

designed to enable one or two carers to assist a patient in sit-to-stand and walking. The buckle 

enables quick adjustments for tightening or loosing and has a quick release for when removing

the belt from the patient. Compared with metal teeth locks, gait belt with the click buckle is safer, 

easier and faster for patients to wear and remove. The main purpose is to avoid holding onto the 

resident’s arm, under their shoulder or another part of their body, which can cause bruising and 

injury. It can also be used to assist patients with chronic soreness and muscle weakness in their daily 

rehabilitation training.

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