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Why dehydration is common in older adults?


Why dehydration is common in older adults?

The first, and perhaps most perplexing cause of dehydration in older adults is a lack of thirst. During 

the aging process, thirst sensation naturally decreases. It is often seen that some elderly people have

problems with drinking water, excessive urine excretion, and failure to replenish water in time will cause

dehydration, especially for elderly people  who are often prone to going to toilet. It is often seen that

some elderly people have problems with drinking water, excessive urine excretion, and failure to drink 

water in time will cause dehydration, especially for elderly people who are often prone to going to the 

toilet. If you go to the toilet for a long time without replenishing water, dehydration is prone to appear.

While the mechanisms are not clear-cut, thirst levels in adults older than 65 are commonly far lower than

indicative of the body's actual fluid needs. There are many precautions for dehydration in the elderly, 

especially  in food. About 60% of your body is water and you must constantly resupply it. Do not eat those

cold foods, and diagnose and treat them promptly after dehydration symptoms appear. Therefore, it is hoped

that the elderly must use these methods to avoid dehydration.

Plus, throughout the aging process, the kidneys naturally lose some of their ability to conserve water and concentrate

urine, leading to greater fluid losses through urination. A decline in muscle mass referred to as sarcopenia, can also

reduce how much water the body can store, as muscle  functions as a significant holding area for water molecules.

We can hydrate at a specific rate time and better control the number of fluids you are consuming. Many elderly people

do not like to drink water and they drink enough water in summer, because many elderly people will not feel craving

for water at a certain age, which leads to insufficient water supplementation in the body of the elderly. Unable to

meet the water content required by the body, the body will have symptoms of dehydration. Therefore, the elderly need 

to supplement enough water in their daily lives to be able to effectively prevent dehydration and  to prevent heatstroke

to a certain extent in summer.

Reduced mobility can cut down how often people are willing to make trips to  get water and use the restroom. The elderly 

are prone to dehydration in sultry weather or sun exposure. Therefore, the elderly should not go out casually or cut off

the water when the weather is bad. The elderly must take in a lot of water every day, to prevent dehydration more effectively.

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