- Arm Sling
- Knee Brace Support
- Ice Pack Wrap
- Finger Splint Support Brace
- Incontinence Bed Pads
- Leg & Heel Cushion
- Patient Turning Device
- Universal Slings
- Bathing & Toileting Slings
- Standing Slings
- Patient Transfer Belt
- Patient Slide Transfer Sheet
- Rotating Seat Cushion
- Patient Use Glide
- Bed Ladder Assist Strap
How about credentials for patient lift sling of Chuangguo Daily Products?
Gongguan Chuangguo Daily Products Co.,Ltd. has multiple certificates, and they are evidence that our company attaches great importance to quality. And we have a third party to regularly check Chuangguo Daily Products. For us, the confidence provided by these certificates is twofold: internal management, external customers, government agencies, regulatory agencies, certification bodies, and third parties. With these certificates, we want to be more professional and stand out from other vendors.

Chuangguo Daily Products has a large-scale factory for transfer sling. Chuangguo Daily Products produces a number of different product series, including patient lift sling. Different testing for Chuangguo patient sling will be carried out to check its electric performance. It has passed the CCC, CQC, and TELEC testing for approved low voltage detector (LVD), electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and radiofrequency (RF). The product is characterized by its corrosion resistance. It has been treated with chemical or acid-base liquid to enhance its chemical properties. The product has the advantage of excellent elastic resilience.

we will keeps improving its competitiveness in bathing slings market. Get more info!

Chuangguo Daily Products has a large-scale factory for transfer sling. Chuangguo Daily Products produces a number of different product series, including patient lift sling. Different testing for Chuangguo patient sling will be carried out to check its electric performance. It has passed the CCC, CQC, and TELEC testing for approved low voltage detector (LVD), electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and radiofrequency (RF). The product is characterized by its corrosion resistance. It has been treated with chemical or acid-base liquid to enhance its chemical properties. The product has the advantage of excellent elastic resilience.

we will keeps improving its competitiveness in bathing slings market. Get more info!
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